Hi Everyone...
Welcome to MPCG 2011. This is where you will come to get all the information you need to attend our seventh annual Polymer Clay Gathering held here in Morrisburg Ont. from Thurs. April 07 to Sun. April 10.. Here you will find registration and hotel information as well as demo descriptions, schedules and material lists. Be patient with us, we are just getting started!
You can also come here and post any questions or queries you may have.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Schedule for MPCG 09
Thurs. April 30

Aftrnoon...Arrival and Set-up (Vio and I are there all day so it does not matter when you arrive)
6:00 to 7:30 Dinner and Welcome
Thurs. Evening....TBA (don't worry, it will be fun)

Fri. May 1
Fri. 7:30 - 8:30  Breakfast
Fri. 8:30 - Gaby Orbach...."Brocade" Frame
Fri. 12:00- Lunch
Fri. 1:30- Sandy Willis.."Fun With Flakes"
Fri. 4:30 - "Happy Hour"
Fri. 6:00 - Dinner
Fri. 7:30 - Vio Laporte TBA

Sat. May 2
Sat. 7:30 - Breakfast
Sat. 8:30 - Georgia Ferrell..."Fanciful Fabric and Other Stuff"
Sat. 12:00 - Lunch
Sat. 1:30 - Wendy Orlowski..."Resolution Steampunk"
Sat. 6:00 - Dinner
Sat. 4:30 - "Happy Hour"
Sat. 7:30 - Margi TBA

Sun. May 3
Sun. 7:30 - Breakfast
Sun. 8:30 - Jacey Culham  "Funky Fast Food in Miniature"
Sun. 12:00 - "The End"

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