Hi Everyone...
Welcome to MPCG 2011. This is where you will come to get all the information you need to attend our seventh annual Polymer Clay Gathering held here in Morrisburg Ont. from Thurs. April 07 to Sun. April 10.. Here you will find registration and hotel information as well as demo descriptions, schedules and material lists. Be patient with us, we are just getting started!
You can also come here and post any questions or queries you may have.

Monday, April 27, 2009

About the Town

About The Town

*Population...2,500 - Been that way for 50 years

*History...Morrisburg was one of the villages that was moved when the ST. Lawrence River was widened to allow shipping channels. The village was moved in 1954. Most of the older homes were moved on large trailers and relocated on new basements. But, the old village itself was destroyed(although some buildings/remnants can be seen while scuba diving). This is why the towns along the river appear to be old, but have no downtowns. They are often referred to as "The Lost Villages" 

*Upper Canada Village is located here and attracts many tourists during the summer months. 

*Upper Canada Playhouse is one of the best local theatres around.

*Morrisburg gave birth to the McIntosh Apple(for more history, see the displays in the hallway)

*Banks...There is a Scotia Bank and a BMO in the mall. Hours: 10-4, not open Saturday. There are bank machines there as well as here at the Inn. 

*Please note that the $ Store has moved to the front of the mall(near the Grocery Store).

*Shopping... The Giant Tiger and Canadian Tire are located on the same road we are on, about a kilometer west. Home Hardware is just west of us on the same side of the road. 

The rest is located in the mall between the Grocery Store at one end and the Beer store at the other. Hours are very small town: ie. only the CT, GT and supermarket will be open Thursday night. Friday night, MOST stay open till 8:00 or 9:00. On Sunday, only the supermarket is open BEFORE 11. 

*Eating Out: There is a Subway, MacDonalds and a Tim Hortons in town. Nicks Sports Bar in the mall is ok for wings and pizza and the New Centennial across the mall from that has a good, but 'diner-style' menu.  For Pizza, we order from Pizza Castle which is located near the clock tower.  The golf course will be open this year. There you can have lunch and meet the rest of my family.

*My husband and his brothers run the local paper, it's called "The Morrisburg Leader". So no trashing the local news! Besides, you might find yourself on the front page next week, so 


*Weather Forecast; Thurs. High 17 mostly sunny. Friday, high 21 windy with possible shower. Sat. high 14, some sun possible shower. Sun. high 13, clouds and sun. 

* Advice from a Veteran to a Newbie. (thanks C)

The temperature in the meeting/work room can vary greatly.  Wearing a very light shirt and then another shirt or sweater that can be taken on and off works well. (This varies because of ovens running and where you are situated to an outside door and of course weather/if the doors are open etc.) We try to keep everyone comfortable of course and you MUST tell us if you are not. 

There are refrigerators in the rooms now, so we can bring drinks and snacks.  Wine is always good.  :-)  Breakfast and dinner are included, but bringing something to have for lunch can save going out.  Although, getting some fresh air is good too.

There is wireless internet access in the rooms so we can blog.

EARPLUGS are very important in case your roommate snores.

Hand cream is useful as I found my hands got very dry.

An Ottlite (and extension cord) can be useful.

Toss in a bathing suit in case you wish you partake of the whirlpool and sauna.  There is a small fitness room.

(I can't remember if motors are allowed, but I figured they are probably allowed at night, for the crazies who stay up all night.) We restrict the motors during the day as the noise is disturbing to some people and worse in a large group. I had a motor once that would make your skin crawl inside out. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the wonderful gathering this last weekend.
    I thought it was the best one (save the very first one that was magical for me).
    Thank you to both of you and the little oven helper who was really appreciated.


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