Hi Everyone...
Welcome to MPCG 2011. This is where you will come to get all the information you need to attend our seventh annual Polymer Clay Gathering held here in Morrisburg Ont. from Thurs. April 07 to Sun. April 10.. Here you will find registration and hotel information as well as demo descriptions, schedules and material lists. Be patient with us, we are just getting started!
You can also come here and post any questions or queries you may have.

Monday, February 16, 2009

MPCG-09 Class description: Georgia Ferrell

Fanciful Fabric and other stuff

This class will be to explore how to make and what can be done with various thickness of clay ‘fabric’.

Some uses are:
Dressing dolls
Surface treatment for and wrapping beads
Covering vessels
Decorating flat surfaces
Book pages

This fabric can be cut, can be painted, can be written on, stamped, screen printed--- among other things, which we can explore.
It can be made to a specific shape or pattern.

Check out the photos for some examples.
I will offer some specific projects for you to try, or come with some ideas of your own!

Materials list

Bring some or all of the stuff along with items 1 and 2.
1. Basic kit of clay and tools
2. Liquid clay of your choice… try to have several, including some coloured, although you can
colour your own.
I like fimo gel, but it is hard to get. I also use kato medium and tls.

3. Sparkles, glitter, flakes, pearl ex and other powders
4. Inks, acrylic paints
5. Metal leaf, jones tones foils, etc.
6. Yarns, thin fabrics like silk, tissue paper
7. Old baked clay, thin wire, ribbons, small mementos like ticket stubs—not too thick tho.

Other stuff
A heat gun – will have to check this one out for power supply, but I am sure we can figure
out how to have at least one available.
A grater of some sort
Well, whatever else you want…………………….
Here are some pictures to whet your appetite.

and finally an apron for Morrisburg!

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