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Sunday, February 22, 2009

MPCG-09 Class description: Violette Laporte

Bookmaking 101
Recently, I learned how to make books with Coptic stitching. And because it is a lot of fun and making a book is rewarding, I thought I would share this with you. This is not a clay project; it involves paper and sewing. It is therefore a very optional class (I mean, more optional than others because they are all optional he he). The clay involved will be making your clay covers in advance. I was quite happy/proud to hold that first book and I hope I can help you to acquire that same feeling.

Materials list
Clay covers (2), finished, no holes drilled, 1 to 4 thickness, and measuring 3 ¼ by 4 ¼. I will also have instructions for a cover measuring 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 as well: it is the size of Moleskines which are quite practical. It does not really matter if your measurements are not exact. We are not looking for perfection here.

Thread. I use the waxed linen found at Wall Mart; it comes in black or beige. Can be found where the beading stuff is (you might even have some leftover from some past projects – go and look). You can also wax your own thread. The important thing is to use a thread that does not stretch at all; it also has to be strong.
Paper. For your first book I would not go all out. So get a sketchpad that you can draw or write on and is not expensive. I would suggest you share the sketchpad because you won’t need all that much paper. I have a pad with sheets that measure 9x12 and I use 6 or seven sheets to make a book. You can also use any paper that you have available.
A cutting surface, x acto knife and ruler (I like the metal ones if you decide to tear your paper for a more handmade look), pencil.
An awl for poking holes in your signatures (those are your paper sheets folded and assembled).
Needle for sewing: make sure the thread can go through the needle hole.
Bone folder if you have one; if not you can use anything, even your nails.
A drill to make the holes in your covers. The holes must be fairly small because if they are too large, your book will be wobbly. I use a 1/16 size drill bit; the 1/8 size drill bit also works. It is a good idea to make a handle for your bit. Below: a visual idea of the materials list.

MY first book:

To see others, go and take a look at my blog .

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